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Video tutorials for PDF editing

Rotate image PDF pages
How to rotate individual pages in a PDF?
In the video, we'll explain how to rotate all or selected pages of a PDF file. -> Online PDF Editor

Image PDF split and extract
How to extract or split pages from a PDF?
In the video, we'll explain how to extract or split individual or selected pages from a PDF file. -> Online PDF Editor

Edit image PDF
How to edit a PDF?
In the video we explain how you can insert texts, shapes, markers or images into a PDF for free and online. -> Online PDF Editor

Convert image PDF Converter
How to convert Word, PowerPoint, Excel or images to a PDF?
In the video we explain how to convert files to a PDF document in quick doc, xls, ppt, png or jpg files. -> Online PDF Editor

Merge image PDF files together
How to merge multiple PDF files?
In the video, we will explain how to easily merge multiple files into one PDF. -> Online PDF Editor

Insert image images into PDF
How to insert images into a PDF?
In the video, we will explain how to easily insert images into a PDF online. -> Online PDF Editor

Image PDF Change paper size
How to change the paper size of each page of a PDF?
In the video we explain how you can change the paper formats of selected pages in a PDF from z.B. DIN A4 to A3. -> Online PDF Editor

Edit PDF text  image
How to change texts in a PDF?
In the video, we'll explain how to edit and modify texts in a PDF file. -> Online PDF Editor

Image PDF Blacken hide-and-seek
How can I permanently delete or blacken areas in a PDF?
In the video, we explain how you can irrevocably blacken or delete texts or images in a PDF. -> Online PDF Editor

Video tutorials for editing PDF files. Here we show you how to edit PDF without any problems and free of charge.
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